8701 Hospital Drive, Suite B, Douglasville, GA 30135



Douglas County Court

Douglas County-Douglas Judicial Circuit

The law office of Edwards, McLeod and Money is your Douglas County lawyer. If you have any legal action pending, or that you wish to initiate, in Douglas County or the City of Douglasville, we can certainly help you and look forward to your call. Here is some key information we have collected as Douglas County lawyers.

County Seat: Douglasville
Information | (770) 949-2000

BUSINESS HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.

Douglas County Courthouse

8700 Hospital Drive, Douglasville, GA 30134

Terms of Superior Court:
  • Second Monday in April
  • Second Monday in October

  • Superior/State Court Clerk

    Tammy Howard | clerksuperiorcourt@co.douglas.ga.us
    (770) 920-7252 | FAX (770) 920-7561

    Superior Court Judges

    Robert J. James, Chief Judge | (770) 920-7265
    David T. Emerson | (770) 920-7227
    William H. ‘Beau” McClain | (770) 920-7417

    District Attorney

    Brian Fortner | (770) 920-7292 | FAX (770) 920-7123

    State Court Judges

    James E. “Eddie” Barker | ebarker@co.douglas.ga.us
    (770) 920-7413 | FAX (770)920-7565
    Judicial Assistant | Angela Bowen | abowen@co.douglas.ga.us | (770) 920-7413

    W. O’Neal Dettmering, Jr | ndettmering@co.douglas.ga.us
    (770) 489-5235 | FAX (770) 489-5242
    Judicial Assistant | Stephanie Epps | sepps@co.douglas.ga.us | (770) 489-5235 Clerk | (770) 489-5232

    State Court Solicitor General

    Matthew C. Krull | scsolicitor@co.douglas.ga.us
    (770) 489-5238 | FAX (678) 838-2061

    Juvenile Court Judges

    Michelle Harrison | mharrison@co.douglas.ga.us | (770) 920-7245
    Peggy H. Walker | pwalker@co.douglas.ga.us | (770) 920-7245
    Clerk | Donna Wentz | dwentz@co.douglas.ga.us | (770) 920-7429 | FAX (770) 920-7380

    Probate Court Judge

    Hal E. Hamrick | hhamrick@co.douglas.ga.us
    (770) 920-7249 | FAX (770) 920-7381 | www.gaprobate.org

    Magistrate Court Judge

    Susan S. Camp, Chief | (770) 920-7215
    Clerk of Court | Susan Connor | sconnor@co.douglas.ga.us | (770) 920-7215

    County Officers

    Board of Commissioners | Tom Worthan, Chair | (770) 920-7266
    Coroner | Randy Daniel | (770) 942-2226
    County Attorney | Kenneth R. Bernard, Jr | (770) 920-8350
    County Clerk | Lisa Watson | (770) 920-7266
    County School Superintendent | Dr. Gordon Pritz | (770) 651-2033
    Tag Office | (770) 949-2309
    Tax Assessor/Appraiser | Benny Waldrop, Chief | (770) 920-7232
    Tax Commissioner | Todd Cowan | (770) 920-7272 P.O. Box 1177, Douglasville, GA 30133


    Phil D. Miller | (770) 949-5656
    6856 Broad Street Douglasville, GA 30134
    Jail | (770) 942-4333

    Probation Officer | Eric Gay, Chief | (770) 489-3070

    Public Defender | Monica Myles | (770) 949-1096

    Other Frequently Called Numbers

    Child Support Services | (404) 657-2347 | (877) 423-4746

    Legal Aid

    Georgia Legal Services | (404) 894-7707 | (800) 822-5391
    www.glsp.org |www.georgialegalaid.org

    Legal Organ

    Douglas County Sentinel | (770) 942-6571 | FAX (770) 949-7556
    8501 Bowden Street, Douglasville, GA 30134