Traffic citations
traffic citations
There are situations, however, that having a lawyer is necessary due to the potential of spending time in jail or losing a CDL (commercial driver’s license) if you are found guilty. If you consult with us before going to court, we will give you an honest evaluation so that you can determine what is in your best interests.
- No insurance
- Gasoline drive-off
- Any felony in the commission of which a motor vehicle is used.
- Using a motor vehicle in fleeing or attempting to elude an officer.
- Hit and run or leaving the scene of an accident.
- Racing.
- Failure to yield resulting in serious injury
- Serious injury by vehicle
- Homicide by vehicle.
Additionally, drivers under 21 years old can have their license suspended for being convicted of just one four-point offense. Here are some other under 21 suspension offenses:
- Reckless driving.
- Unlawful passing of a school bus.
- Improper passing on a hill or curve.
- Exceeding the speed limit by 24 miles per hour or more.
- Aggressive Driving.
- Purchasing an alcoholic beverage.
- Misrepresenting age for purpose of illegally obtaining any alcoholic beverage.
- Misrepresenting identity or using false identification for purpose of purchasing or obtaining any alcoholic beverage.
Drivers who are facing such suspensions if convicted of the offense they are charged with should seriously consider consulting with one of our attorneys before proceeding further.
For a consultation, give us a call at +1 770-949-7300
Practice Areas
Juvenile Law
Probate Law
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