War Stories
Civil Jury Trial in Superior Court of Douglas County – whether decedent signed his will just prior to a surgery under his wife’s undue influence since he had said he wanted to make sure that the family land stayed in his family. At the end of the trial the court found insufficient evidence to show undue influence which meant that our client (the extended family) lost this case 1998
Personal Injury Case led to Civil Jury Trial in the Superior Court of Douglas County where jury found the Defendant driver at fault and awarded our client damages despite only suffering minor injuries (however, the offer to settle from the insurance company was larger than the jury’s award but the client refused to take the offer, insisting instead to go through the jury trial) 1998
Criminal Jury Trial: Hit and Run – Hung jury resulted in State dismissing charges and allowing our client to enter a plea to ‘Too fast for Conditions’ with a small fine 2002
Criminal Jury Trial Cobb County State Court – State dismissed the DUI charge after the jury was selected and the trial was to begin but the arresting officer was unavailable 2002
Criminal Jury Trial Cobb County State Court – State dismissed the DUI charge after the jury was selected and the trial was to begin but the arresting officer was unavailable 2002
Criminal Jury Trial in Carroll County Superior Court: Armed Robbery dropped to burglary after three days of trial; client entered plea deal because evidence showed violation of Defendant’s first offender probation on a prior case that exposed Defendant to 150 years of prison time on revocation of that probation even if acquitted of armed robbery 2002
Criminal Jury Trial in Douglas County Superior Court: Defendant with long criminal history acquitted of aggravated assault despite allegations arising from fight with another inmate in the county jail where the State presented three alleged eye witnesses as to how the alleged victim’s jaw was broken by our client – the jury rejected their stories and acquitted our client. The court appointed us to represent this client who refused to accept a plea deal despite my insistence… and it turned out that the client was right. 2002
Armed Robbery Criminal Jury Trial in Douglas County Superior Court: Client convicted as a recidivist to life without the possibility of parole. The court appointed us to represent this client who insisted on refusing a plea recommendation and insisted that we proceed to trial despite the overwhelming evidence against him including video evidence of his involvement in the entire process of the armed robbery; post trial litigation did result in non-recidivist re- sentencing that removed “without the possibility of parole.” 2002
Uncle of blind Co-Defendant in Criminal Jury Trial in Douglas County Superior Court resulted in acquittal on more serious drug charges so sentenced to 10 to serve 2 instead of the 15 to serve 5 that his co-defendant nephew got in exchange for testifying against our client 2003
Sale of House led to Civil Jury Trial in Douglas County Superior Court on whether owners knew of septic tank defect. Plaintiff’s sought to force buy-back of house plus $99,000.00 in attorneys fees and expert witness fees; however, the jury found for our client. 2003
Defendant confronted off-duty deputy for cutting him off in traffic leading to Criminal Jury Trial in Douglas County Superior Court on charges of Terroristic threats, Road Rage, Battery of officer, and other charges – client was acquitted of all charges except one – a misdemeanor disorderly conduct for which he received a probated sentence 2003
Criminal Jury Trial in the Superior Court of Douglas County Defendant brought knife to school property for protection against gang that had beaten his best friend – and he was next. Client faced several charges but only convicted of one count of possessing a knife on school property and sentenced only to boot camp for 90 days when he faced up to eight years in prison 2004
Husband/Wife altercation resulted in Criminal Jury Trial in the State Court of Douglas County for family violence battery. Wife said she wouldn’t testify but was brought to court by Sheriff’s office and forced to testify over objection – the jury convicted our client who then served 45 days in jail but could have been sentenced to up to one year in jail 2006
Contractor/Roofer Civil Jury Trial in the State Court of Douglas County on a homeowner’s suit against roofer he believed was unfairly raising the price after miscalculating the cost of the job. Discovery would have resolved the issues between the parties but the homeowner lost at trial, in part because he did not want to go to the expense of the discovery process 2008
Civil Jury Trial on a personal injury/car wreck case in the Superior Court of Fayette County where client was hit by a speeding driver driving on a suspended license but the jury found that the injured party should have looked left then right and then left again but the evidence showed that he didn’t do so and, therefore, ruled against the Plaintiff and we lost the case. In this case, the insurance company never made any offer to settle; therefore, we had no choice except to risk a jury trial… or withdraw from representing the client (which we would not do) 2009
Recycling Companies arguing over contract led to a Civil Jury Trial in the Superior Court of Douglas County where the large recycling company sued our client, the much smaller company, for more than $100,000.00 alleging a breech of contract; however, the jury found that our client only needed to pay about $3,400.00, the amount to which our client had stipulated 2010
Wife’s altercation with husband led to Criminal Jury Trial in the Superior Court of Douglas County. She was accused of aggravated assault with a hammer. The jury acquitted her of that charge and only convicted her of the two misdemeanors to which she admitted of breaking her husband’s phone and destroying his tape recorder (she received only a probated sentence) 2011
Bartender flipped his truck on his birthday after admitting to having a couple of drinks – leading to Criminal Jury Trial in Douglas County State Court where the State had no evidence from blood or breath tests – the jury acquitted our client 2012
Homeowner’s complaint that neighbor altered yard to cause water to ruin his property led to Civil Jury Trial in Douglas County Superior Court where our client proved the damages and the harm and jury also ordered Defendant to pay damages and undo the construction in his yard that would continue to cause harm to our client’s property which was a total win for our client 2013
Client’s girlfriend alleged he hit and kicked her resulting in a Criminal Jury Trial in the State Court of Douglas County for family violence battery for which our client was acquitted after the former girlfriend was shown to have lied and told various stories to law enforcement 2014
$330,000.00 worth of methamphetamine found in client’s van’s radiator led to Criminal Jury Trial where our client was convicted but only after the jury deliberated for more than nine hours. The court appointed us to represent this client who refused to accept a plea deal despite my insistence. 2015
Client’s alleged stolen and then burned car led to a Criminal Jury Trial in the Superior Court of Douglas County in which she was accused of Arson where she was then convicted after the evidence showed that she had attempted a similar scheme years earlier and, in this case, when she was able to arrange the return of the car key after being asked to produce it by the insurance investigator. The court appointed us to represent this client who refused to accept a plea deal despite my insistence. 2015
Car wreck led car repair shop owner to be accused of improperly repairing the car which failure caused the crash which led to a Civil Jury Trial in Fulton County State Court where the jury found in favor of our client and against the Plaintiff 2016
Divorce Civil Jury Trial in Paulding County Superior Court where husband discovered wife took between $200,000.00 and $500,000.00 from ‘family’ business over their eight year marriage. Jury awarded vast majority of remaining property to our client 2016
Divorcing Father expecting to obtain custody of teenage daughter in divorce action finds himself, instead, accused of using a peephole through a wall adjointing his and his daughter’s bedrooms to spy on his daughter and her friend which led to Criminal Jury Trial in Douglas County Superior Court where our client (Father) was acquitted of all charges 2016
Driver asleep in vehicle on right lane of Interstate 20 suspected of DUI. Officer arrests driver citing many allegations in his report. The video of the field sobriety tests contradicted the officer’s report. There was no valid breath or blood test… leading to a Criminal Jury Trial in the State Court of Cobb County where the jury acquits the driver of DUI 2018
Civil Jury Trial: Douglas County Superior Court: our client, the youngest adult sibling, accused by the three much older adult siblings of manipulating their father with fraud and undue influence to manipulate the father to sign a Will leaving most of father’s property to him instead of dividing the estate evenly between all four of them. Jury ruled in our client’s favor. 2021
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